Current Fashion Industry Events

<![CDATA[<p style="text-align:auto"></p><figure><img src=",h_2482,al_c,q_80/file.png" width="1600" height="2482" title="Image"></figure><p style="text-align:auto">The fashion industry is currently addressing several critical issues, and it is essential to stay informed about the latest events and developments.</p><p style="text-align:auto">One of the main events is, of course, fashion week. Fashion week happens in several cities all around the world including New York, London, Milan, and Paris. Thousands of people attend fashion week each year. CNN reports that<a href="" target="_blank"> “Many designers played with themes of transformation this season, from Collina Strada’s playful presentation of models-turned-animals to Dion Lee’s edgy club-kid looks that played on the idea of clothes as shedding snake skin.”</a></p><p style="text-align:auto">Another big event in the fashion industry is the Met Gala, which is an annual fundraising event that happens every year in New York. According to CNBC, it states that <a href="" target="_blank">“The Gala operates on an invitation-only basis, bringing celebrities, influencers, and media personalities from around the globe.”</a> Each year, the gala has a particular theme for which the guest must dress up. The past two years' theme was An Anthology of Fashion, which is the evolution of American style and A lexicon of fashion. This year's theme is a celebration of Karl Lagerfeld, a late German designer. It states on CNBC, that <a href="" target="_blank">“The Met’s exhibition will showcase approximately 150 garments from Lagerfeld’s time as creative director at several iconic, high-fashion retailers.</a>” This gala will showcase his artistic abilities, talents, and his boundless imagination and passion.</p><p style="text-align:auto">New York-based fashion label Sky High Farm Workwear has been working to raise funds to help grow food for families in need from their Sky High Farm. It first started in 2019, when they put together their non-profit company to help support food justice in New York. It states on Vogue Business, that <a href="" target="_blank">“Once profitable, half of the profits will go to the farm, with the remainder being distributed to employees, the community and investors.” </a>The brand as a whole has already secured over $300,000 and some of it goes directly to their non-profit and helps to give back to families in need across New York. It also states that <a href="" target="_blank">“The understanding that comes with wearing our products is that you have agreed to participate in something much bigger,”</a> They are becoming a bigger cause in the world and helping out wherever they can.</p>]]>






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